Based on their experience in consulting and working for the US government (Claire Parkinson is at NASA).
PART I: Introduction and Historical Development - PART II: Physical Description of the Climate System - PART III: Basic Model Equations - PART IV: Basic Methods of Solving Model Equations - PART V: Examples of Simulations of Present-Day Climate - PART VI: Climate Sensitivity Experiments - PART VII: Outlook for Future Developments - APPENDIX A: Vector Calculus - APPENDIX B: Legendre Polynomials and Gaussian Quadrature - APPENDIX C: Derivation of Energy Equations - APPENDIX D: Unit Abbreviations - APPENDIX E: Physical Constants in Systeme International (SI) Units, and Typical Surface Albedos - APPENDIX F: Conversions and Prefixes - APPENDIX G: Greek Alphabet - APPENDIX H: Acronyms - APPENDIX I: Aerosols - APPENDIX J: Solar Radiation, Including Effects of Aerosols - APPENDIX K: Internet Sites for Climate Modeling and Climate Data - APPENDIX L: Computer Architectures Used in Climate Modeling: - Definition of Terms - Bibliography - Index - -