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Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) have accompanied mankind from its very early beginnings. Their utilisation has co-evolved with homo sapiens itself bringing about a profound increase in our scientific knowledge of these species enabling them to be used in many facets of our life (e.g. pharmaceutical products, feed- and food additives, cosmetics, etc.). Remarkably, despite the new renaissance of MAPs usage, ca. 80 % of the world's population is relying on natural substances of plant origin, with most of these botanicals sourced from the wild state. This first volume, and ultimately the series, provides readers with a wealth of information on medicinal and aromatic plants.
Chapter 1. Introduction Utilization / Significance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Mathe Akos
Chapter 2. Botanical Aspects of Medicinal and aromatic Plants; Akos Mathe
Chapter 3. Chemical Diversity of Medicinal Plants; Mathe Imre
Chapter 4. Application of spectroscopic methods and hyphenated techniques to the analysis of complex plant extracts; Dejan Godevac, Milka Jadranin, Ivana Aljancic, Vlatka Vajs, Vele Tesevic and Slobodan Milosavljevic
Chapter 5. Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP): how do they adapt to the environment? A. Cristina Figueiredo, Jose G. Barroso
Chapter 6. Breeding and germplasm preservation; Christoph Carlen, Xavier Simonnet
Chapter 7. Conservation of Wild Crafted Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Habitats; Dea Baricevic, Akos Mathe and Tomaz Bartol
Chapter 8. Challenges and decision making in cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants; Zora Dajic Stevanovic and Dejan Pljevljakusic
Chapter 9. Cultivation and Breeding of Cannabis sativa L. for Preparation of Standardized Extracts for Medicinal Purposes; Sayed Farag and Oliver Kayser
Chapter 10. Sustainable Fertilization in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Alessandra Carrubba
Chapter 11. Sustainable Weed, Disease And Pest Management In Medicinal And Aromatic Plants; Alessandra Carrubba, Gabriella Lo Verde, Adele Salamone
Chapter 12. Introduction to the precision medicinal plant production; Miklos Nemenyi
Chapter 13. Medicinal plants to control diseases and pests; Vera Sergeeva
Chapter 14. Quality Assurance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants- Good Agricultural & Collection Practices (GAP & GCP); A.K.S. Rawat and S.K. Tewari
Chapter 15. In vitro micropropagation of medicinal and aromatic plants; Akos Mathe, Fathi Hassan and Ahmad Abdul Kader
Chapter 16. Herbal medicinal preparations in different parts of the world; Dezso Csupor
Chapter 17 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Scientific Databases; Tomaz Bartol and Dea Baricevic
Chapter 18. International Trade of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Klaus Durbeck and Teresa Huttenhofer
Chapter 19. Medicinal Plants Conservation Strategies for Primary-Healthcare and Livelihood at Local Level: An Examination of Initiatives in South Asia; A.K.M. Shahidullah and C. Emdad Haque
Chapter 20. Phytogenic feed additives in animal nutrition; Tobias Steiner and Basharat Syed
Chapter 21. Multipurpose Herbs: Hidden Potentials and Dangers in the Garden; Agnes Farkas