Covers all aspects of mineralogy in an up-to-date and integrated style. Divided into 5 parts including; structure and bonding within minerals; mineral physics and optical properties; modes of mineral formation and thermodynamics; mineral groups within the context of mineral-forming environments; and the application of mineralogy for the exploitation of metal deposits, gems, and cement. Identification of minerals in hand specimen and under the microscope are also covered.
Part I. Structural Features of Minerals
1. Subject and history of mineralogy
2. Elements, bonding, simple structures and ionic radii
3. The lattice concept and description of crystal structures
4. Macroscopic symmetries: crystal morphology
5. Crystal growth and aggregation
6. Isomorphism, polymorphism and crystalline defects
Part II. Physical Investigation of Minerals
7. Experimental approaches to crystal structures: X-ray diffraction
8. Physical properties
9. Optical properties of crystals
10. Mineral identification with the petrographic microscope
11. Color
12. Additional analytical methods
13. Mechanical properties and deformation
Part III. Variety of Minerals and Mineral-forming Processes
14. Classification and names of minerals
15. Mineral identification of hand specimens
16. Mineral genesis
17. Stability of minerals and phase diagrams
18. Solid solutions
Part IV. A Systematic Look at Mineral Groups
19. Some very common minerals: quartz and feldspars. Crystallization of granite and pegmatite
20. Simple compounds and new minerals. Unusual occurrences
21. Halides. Evaporite deposits
22. Carbonates and other minerals with triangular anion groups. Sedimentary origins
23. Phosphates, sulfates and related minerals. Apatite as a biogenic mineral
24. Sulfides. Hydrothermal processes
25. Oxides and hydroxides. Review of ionic crystals
26. Orthosilicates and ring silicates. Metamorphic mineral assemblages
27. Sheet silicates. Weathering of silicate rocks
28. Chain silicates. Discussion of some igneous and metamorphic processes
29. Framework silicates. Zeolites and ion exchange properties of minerals
Part V. Applied Mineralogy
30. Metalliferous mineral deposits
31. Gemstones
32. Cement minerals
33. Minerals and human health
34. Mineral composition of the solar system
35. Mineral composition of the Earth
Appendix A. Determinative tables for hand specimen identification
Appendix B. Determinative tables for optical mineralogy
Hans-Rudolf Wenk is Professor of Geology at the University of California at Berkeley. Andrei Bulakh is a Professor in the Department of Mineralogy at St Petersburg State University.
"I think this book represents a sound undergraduate investment – a text book that an undergraduate could visit and revisit throughout their degree programme, to remind them of the basics and, by following up the references, to provide a deeper understanding of the subjects covered."
- Chemistry World
"[...] the book provides a good coverage of minerals, with clear diagrams and photographs to supplement the text. [...] there is much of value in this book. [...] the text is clear; and deeper treatments can be skipped, while still gaining knowledge of the wider range of mineralogy."
- OUGS Newsletter
"Wenk and Bulakh's Minerals is both authoritative and accessible, providing a thorough grounding in many aspects of modern mineralogy in a first-rate text."
- New Scientist
"[...] this is a refreshing new mineral textbook and is a wonderful resource to freshen up an undergraduate course. Every lecturer who teaches mineralogy and every Earth Sciences library should get a copy. [...] Very highly recommended."
- Geological Magazine