Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
Chinese Mesozoic vertebrate fossil footprints are numerous. This volume summarises what had been discovered by end of 2013, which is footprints of 51 fossil genera and 70 fossil species, and another 37 unidentified species, from a total of 63 county-level regions, and 21 provinces and autonomous regions. The book covers period from the late Triassic to the late Cretaceous.
Summary in Chinese:
中 国中生代地层中脊椎动物足迹化石十分丰富,记载着古脊椎动物的类型及其行为方式和生态环境。其种类主要包括恐龙类、鸟类,鳄类及假鳄类等。截止到2013 年年底,中国境内在21个省市自治区的63个县级地区识别出中生代脊椎动物足迹化石51个足迹化石属,70个足迹化石种,另有37个未定属种。其地质时代 从三叠纪晚期一直到白垩纪晚期。《中国古脊椎动物志 第二卷 两栖类 爬行类 鸟类 第八册总第十二册中生代爬行类和鸟类足迹》按照古脊椎动物的自然分类体系的顺序,系统记述了中国中生代脊椎动物足迹化石。