Advice involves immediate 'rapid-response' actions to initiate containment along with preventative strategies, measures for control and monitoring requirements post-control. Practical Management of Invasive Non-Native Weeds in Britain and Ireland responds to the GB Non-Native Species Strategy and deals with over 40 species which have been selected from plants listed in Schedule 9 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) for the UK; invasive alien species of EU concern (as per EU IAS Regulation 1143/2014); and other noteworthy species of the urban environment, for example butterfly-bush (Buddleja). Each species account includes: a brief description on ecology and identification with corresponding photographs; a distribution map for the British and Irish Isles; immediate actions that can be taken once identified; pathways of spread; lifespan; seed-production age; seed longevity; growth rate; a 'schematic' of the life-cycle aimed at assisting the determination of schedules for survey and treatment; prevention and rapid-response measures; tables of control, management and herbicide treatment linked to decision-making flow diagrams; waste-disposal requirements; revegetation post-management; and continued monitoring. Key references to published data and links to appropriate websites are also included.
- Foreword by Trevor Renals (Environment Agency)
- Introduction and how to use the manual
- Management and control of the following invasive, non-native weeds:
- American skunk-cabbage
- Broadleaf (various-leaved) watermilfoil
- Invasive bamboos
- Butterfly-bush (Buddleia)
- Carolina fanwort
- Cotoneaster species
- Creepers (false, Virginia & Boston ivy)
- Curly waterweed
- False acacia
- Floating pennywort
- Garden lupin
- Giant rhubarb
- Himalayan balsam
- Himalayan knotweed
- Hottentot fig
- Japanese
- Giant & other hybrid knotweeds
- Japanese rose (Rugosa)
- Johnson grass (Sorghum)
- Kudzu
- Mile-a-minute weed (devil's tail)
- Montbretia
- New Zealand pygmyweed (Australian swamp-stonecrop)
- Nuttall's & Canadian waterweeds
- Parrot's-feather
- Parthenium weed
- Purple dewplant
- Rhododendron
- Salmonberry
- Shallon
- Spanish bluebell
- Three-cornered & few-flowered garlics
- Tree groundsel
- Tree-of-heaven
- Variegated yellow archangel
- Water fern
- Water hyacinth
- Water primrose
- Glossary of terms and acronyms
- Index of contributors