TSO The Stationery Office is the UK government’s official publisher, responsible for publications such as Hansard - the record of what is said in Parliament.
As the government’s publisher TSO The Stationery Office publishes titles that do not exactly trip off the tongue, such as The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Amendment Regulations 1995, and Planning Policy Guidance Notes.
Other TSO titles include Raptors: A Field Guide for Surveys and Monitoring, Birds of Prey in a Changing Environment and Tree Roots in the Built Environment.
TSO The Stationery Office is the privatised version of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO), which celebrated its bicentenary in 1986. HMSO published more than 86 million copies of the Highway Code alone as well as distributing 1,500 envelopes, 18 million ballpoint pens and 188 million paper clips to government departments every year.
The organisation would also routinely print as many as 600 pages of Hansard overnight.