The Festschrift Eugen Karl Kempf is a proceedings volume of the 15th International German Ostracodologists' Meeting which was held October 11th to 14th, 2012 by the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the University of Cologne. The selected contributions cover a broad range of biological and palaeontological topics that rely on sound taxonomy and serve as a tribute to the Kempf Database of Ostracoda including a biography on Eugen Karl Kempf.
In detail, the scientific contributions are covering freshwater and marine genera/species and the parasitic family Entocytherids. Revisions of genera and descriptions of new species are one focus, but also new studies on biogeography, ecology and morphology add to the value of the proceeding.
Dr. Finn Viehberg (in 2005), University of Cologne, is research assistant in the department of geology and mineralogy. He holds currently the chair of the International Research Group on Ostracoda (2013-2017). He has published limnological and palaeolimnological articles.
PD Dr. Renate Matzke-Karasz (1993), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, is a researcher and lecturer at the palaeontology & geobiology section. Her research focuses on reproduction in living and fossil ostracods. She held the chair of the IRGO from 2009 to 2013.
Dr. Lisa Park Boush (1995). University of Connecticut, is the Director of the Center for Integrative Geosciences. Her research focuses on the diversity and biogeography of non-marine ostracods. She has published widely on modern and ancient lake systems and their ostracod faunas.
Dr. Alison J. Smith, Ph.D. (1991) Brown University, Rhode Island, USA is Professor of Geology at Kent State University. She researches and lectures in micropaleontology, paleolimnology and paleoclimates. The focus of her research is Pliocene to modern nonmarine Ostracoda.