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The Transition to Renewable Energy Theory and Practice

Edited By: Jeroen van den Bergh and Frank Bruinsma
256 pages
Publisher: Edward Elgar
The Transition to Renewable Energy
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  • The Transition to Renewable Energy ISBN: 9781847202291 Hardback Mar 2008 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 6 days
Price: £136.00
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About this book

This book studies the transition to renewable energy. The volume offers perspectives from a wide range of disciplines, addressing macro, regional and local scales. Contributions come from mainstream economics, evolutionary economics, sociology, political sciences, innovation studies, spatial economics and decision theory. Important lessons are also drawn from historical transitions.


Contents: Preface1. The Transition to Renewable Energy: Background and SummaryJ. van den Bergh and F. BruinsmaPART I: SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL THEORY2. Transition Management: Reflexive Governance of Societal Complexity through Searching, Learning and ExperimentingJ. Rotmans and D. Loorbach3. The Multilevel Perspective and Design of System InnovationsJ. Grin4. Transition Lessons from EconomicsJ. van den Bergh and R. Kemp5. Innovation Theory and Socio-technical TransitionsF. Berkhout6. An Evolutionary-Economic Analysis of Energy TransitionsJ. van den Bergh and F. OosterhuisPART II: MACRO PRACTICE7. Barriers and Options for Future Energy Transitions: Lessons from a Historical Analysis of the Dutch Electricity SystemG. Verbong and F. Geels8. Energy Transition Experiments in the NetherlandsF. Dietz, H. Brouwer and R. Weterings9. Transition Management for the Dutch Energy Transition: Multilevel Governance AspectsD. Loorbach and R. Kemp10. An Evolutionary-Economic Evaluation of Barriers and Opportunities in Dutch Energy Innovation PoliciesA. Idenburg and A. FaberPART III: LOCAL AND REGIONAL PRACTICE11. Renewable Energy Sources Planning and Design: A Multi-criteria ApproachH. Polantidis and D. Haralambopoulos12. Regional Diversity of Wind Energy Initiatives: The Dutch ExperienceF. Bruinsma and R. Vreeker13. Tackling Local Conflicts Caused by Renewable Energy Sources: Lessons Learned from Real-World Case StudiesG. Gamboa, G. Munda and D. Russi

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Edited By: Jeroen van den Bergh and Frank Bruinsma
256 pages
Publisher: Edward Elgar
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