Gouge augers have advantages over other types of hand auger as they provide greater profile survey with each sample because of the relatively longer operational part of the gouge. A greater soil depth for each stroke is therefore obtained and results in the swifter reaching of greater depths. Because the gouge auger cuts a core from the soil the samples obtained are virtually undisturbed and so gouge augers are frequently applied in research for soil mapping, soil suitability reviews, root research and paleontological research. The Eijkelkamp gouge auger will take samples in the toughest of soils and will cut through bricks and withstand stones. It is made from non-toxic, high tensile strength steel and is easy to clean and very strong. The auger head should be used in conjunction with a soil auger handle and extension rod.
Available in 2 lengths: 50cm and 100cm.
Core diameter: 30mm or 60mm