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Flora of Lycophytes and Ferns of Guizhou (2-Volume Set) [English / Chinese]

Flora / Fauna
By: Wang Peishan(Editor)
976 pages, colour photos
Flora of Lycophytes and Ferns of Guizhou (2-Volume Set) [English / Chinese]
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  • Flora of Lycophytes and Ferns of Guizhou (2-Volume Set) [English / Chinese] ISBN: 9787553206370 Hardback Dec 2018 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 months
Price: £225.00
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About this book

Language: Bilingual in English and Chinese

On the basis of the book Guizhou Pteridophyta and with reference to relevant materials, the editor compiled this bilingual (English / Chinese) flora, to help foreign readers and researchers to further understand the fern flora of the Chinese province of Guizhou. This book describes 36 families, 114 genera, and 844 species of lycopodia and ferns. It is generally written in accordance with the FOC style, but it is relatively simple, including the preface, table of contents, text, illustrations, and index. The book is divided into two volumes: the first volume ends at the Pteridaceae, and the second volume begins with the Venusiaceae. The description for each species contains the Chinese name, scientific name, literature citation, morphological characteristics, and habitat and distribution. There is a brief explanation or discussion when necessary. The distribution of species in the province is represented by the county (city, district) as the basic unit. Colour photos are given for most species. The editor also selected 42 plates from the book Guizhou Pteridophyta, some of which were modified appropriately.

Summary in Chinese:
编者在《贵州蕨类植物志》的基础上,参考相关 重要资料,以中英文方式编撰了这本《贵州石松类和 蕨类植物志》,以便于 外读者和研究者进一步了 解贵州的这类资源。  本书记述了贵州石松类和蕨类植物36科、114属、 844种,大体依照FOC的体例编写,但相对简单,包括 前言、目录、正文、图版、索引。该书分两卷:上卷 止于蹄盖蕨科,下卷始于金星蕨科。我们仍然将重点 放在属和种的介绍上。每个物种的描述顺序为:中文 名、学名、文献引证、形态特征、生境和分布。必要时则有简短的说明或讨论。物 种在省内的分布仍以县(市、区)为基本单位填图表示 。多数种类都配有彩色图片。编者还从《贵州蕨类植 物志》一书中挑选了42幅图版,其中一些做了适当修 改。

Customer Reviews

Flora / Fauna
By: Wang Peishan(Editor)
976 pages, colour photos
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