Epiphyllous Liverworts of Eastern Himalaya provides a comprehensive taxonomic account of 89 taxa of liverworts belonging to orders Metzgeriales (7 species and one variety in a single genus and family), Porellales (75 species and one variety in 16 genera and 4 families) and Jungermanniales (5 species in 2 genera and as many families) that colonize the leaf surface of vascular plants in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Darjeeling subdivision of West Bengal. Identification keys at different taxonomic hierarchy have been provided and each species, or the infraspecific taxon, is immaculately illustrated with the help of camera-lucida drawings and photomicrographs.
1. The study area
2. General vegetation
3. Review of literatures
4. Materials and methods
5. Floristic analysis
6. Systematic treatment
7. Metzgeriales
8. Metzgeriaceae
9. Porellales
10. Radulaceae
11. Frullaniaceae
12. Jubulaceae
13. Lejeuneaceae
14. Jungermanniales
15. Lophocoleaceae
16. Plagiochilaceae