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Handbook of Plant Virology

Edited By: Jawaid Khan and Jeanne Dijkstra
452 pages
Publisher: Haworth Press
Handbook of Plant Virology
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  • Handbook of Plant Virology ISBN: 9781560229797 Paperback Jun 2006 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1 week
  • Handbook of Plant Virology ISBN: 9781560229780 Hardback Jul 2006 Out of stock with supplier: order now to get this when available
Selected version: £91.99
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About this book

The Handbook of Plant Virology is a comprehensive guide to the terms and expressions commonly used in the study of plant virology, complete with descriptions of plant virus families down to the generic level. Rather than simply listing terms in alphabetical order, this unique book links each term to related terms within a theme and adds commentary from authors whose specific expertise adds additional dimensions to the topics.

The result is an invaluable resource for research workers, educators, and students working in plant virology and pathology, crop protection, molecular biology, and plant breeding


About the Editors Contributors Preface Chapter 1. A Historical Outline of Plant Virology (J.P.H. van der Want) Early Concepts of Virus Virus As Pathogen Virus As Infectious Macromolecule Chapter 2. Plant Virus Taxonomy (Mike A. Mayo and Allan A. Brunt) Introduction Nomenclature Virus Species Orthography The Current Genera and Families of Plant Viruses The Mechanics of Virus Classification Chapter 3. Symptomatology (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Introduction Internally Visible Symptoms Externally Visible Symptoms Chapter 4. Isolation and Purification of Plant Viruses (Sara Hughes and Nicola Spence) Introduction Plant Material Extraction of Infected Plant Material Clarification of Plant Extract Concentration of the Virus and Further Purification Assaying the Virus in Purified Preparations Maintenance of Purified Virus Case Studies Chapter 5. Architecture of Plant Viruses (Ayala L. N. Rao and Vijay Reddy) Introduction Capsid Morphology Interactions Promoting Virus Assembly Pathways Genome Packaging Chapter 6. Replication and Gene Expression of Plant RNA Viruses (Kook-Hyung Kim) Introduction Genome Structure Expression Strategies Viruses with Divided Genomes Regulation of Replication Synthesis of RNA Viruses with Incomplete RNA Genomes Concluding Remarks Chapter 7. Replication and Gene Expression of DNA Viruses (Crisanto Gutierrez) Introduction Genome Structure Transcription Strategies Genome Replication Regulation of DNA Replication/Virus-Host Interactions Viruses with Incomplete Genomes Chapter 8. Viroids (Ricardo Flores and Vicente Pall s) Structure Replication Movement Pathogenesis Diseases Diagnosis and Identification Chapter 9. Transmission of Plant Viruses by Arthropods (Dick Peters) Introduction The Vectors The Biology of Aphids Noncirculative Transmission of Viruses by Aphids Viruses Transmitted in the Semipersistent Way Circulative Transmission of Plant Viruses Transmission of Geminiviruses by Whiteflies and Planthoppers Circulative/Propagative Transmission of Plant Viruses Thrips Transmission of Tospoviruses Noncirculative/Circulative Transmission of Plant Viruses by Beetles Virus Transmission by Mites Chapter 10. Plant Virus Transmission: Fungi, Nematodes, and Seeds (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Transmission by Fungi Contact Between Virus and Fungus Molecular Interactions Between Virus and Fungus Transmission by Nematodes Contact Between Virus and Nematode Molecular Interactions Between Virus and Nematode Seed Transmission Contact Between Virus and Seeds Molecular Interactions Between Virus and Seed Transmission Through Pollen Grains Chapter 11. Mechanical Transmission Plant Viruses (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Experimental Mechanical Transmission Susceptibility of the Test Plant Inoculation of Isolated Protoplasts Natural Mechanical Transmission Transmission by Grafting Transmission by Vegetative Propagation Transmission by Dodder Chapter 12. Serology (Marc H. V. van Regenmortel) Introduction Antibodies Viral Antigens and Epitopes Antibody Production Precipitation Tests Immunodiffusion Tests Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Other Immunoassays Serological Differentiation Index Chapter 13. Detection and Identification of Plant Viruses and Disease Diagnosis (Francisco J. Morales) Introduction Detection Identification Diagnosis Conclusion Chapter 14. Ecology and Epidemiology (Michael J. Jeger) Introduction Sources of Infection Vectors and Mode of Spread Epidemiological Cycles of Infection Quantifying Virus Spread Cultural Practices Environmental Conditions Forecasting Disease Development Chapter 15. Recombination in Plant Viruses (Chikara Masuta and Masashi Suzuki) Introduction Classification of RNA Recombination Natural Recombination Recombination Between Viral RNA and Transgenes Pseudorecombination (Reassortment) Mechanism of RNA Recombination Identification of Recombination Significance in RNA Recombination Recombination in DNA Viruses Chapter 16. Virus Variability and Evolution (Fernando Garc a-Arenal and Jos M. Malpica) Introduction Mutation Genetic Exchange Strains Selection Genetic Drift Genetic Polymorphism and Population Diversity Chapter 17. Recombinant DNA Technology in Plant Virology (Huub J. M. Linthorst) Introduction Reverse Genetics Genetic Transformation Transgenic Plants Construction of Infectious cDNA Clones of RNA Viruses Transient Gene Expression Plant Virus Gene Vectors Recombinant Proteins Antibody Expression Chapter 18. Resistance to Viral Infections in Plants (Jennifer L. Miller, Tessa M. Burch-Smith, and S. P. Dinesh-Kumar) Introduction Resistance-Gene-Dependent Responses Homology-Dependent Resistance Responses Pathogen-Derived Resistance Discussion Chapter 19. Virus Diseases: Economic Importance and Control Strategies (A. F. L. M. Derks) Direct and Indirect Crop Losses Sources of Infection Disease Forecasting Direct Control Indirect Control Vector Control Cultural Practices Breeding for Resistance Transgenic Plants Meristem Tip Culture Virus-Free Stocks Certification Schemes Import and Quarantine Appendix 1. Description of Positive-Sense, Single-Stranded RNA Viruses (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Family Potyviridae Family Sequiviridae Family Comoviridae Family Luteoviridae Family Tymoviridae Family Tombusviridae Family Bromoviridae Family Closteroviridae Family Flexiviridae Unassigned Genera Appendix 2. Description of Double-Stranded RNA Viruses (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Family Reoviridae Family Partitiviridae Unassigned Genus Appendix 3. Description of Negative-Sense, Single-Stranded RNA Viruses (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Family Rhabdoviridae Family Bunyaviridae Unassigned Genera Appendix 4. Description of Single-Stranded DNA Viruses (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Family Geminiviridae Family Nanoviridae Appendix 5. Description of Reverse Transcribing Viruses (Jeanne Dijkstra and Jawaid A. Khan) Family Caulimoviridae Family Pseudoviridae Family Metaviridae Index Reference Notes Included

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Edited By: Jawaid Khan and Jeanne Dijkstra
452 pages
Publisher: Haworth Press
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