Island to Island: The Pictures Behind the Story is a unique assemblage of photographs, capturing not only the incredible wildlife and beautiful landscapes found in Seychelles, but also the difficulties of managing a remote tropical island nature reserve. Complementing the author's memoir Island to Island, this beautiful collection of photographs offers a rare and unique pictorial insight into a dynamic, challenging, yet privileged, existence: living amongst a million seabirds and some of the rarest wildlife in the world whilst experiencing and dealing with an alien culture in an isolated location. This comprehensive anthology features remarkable images of wildlife, landscapes, and day-to-day living captured through the lenses of seven photographers; from the challenges of being self-sufficient in extreme conditions, monitoring seabird populations on rugged terrain, and patrolling the island at night for poachers, all are portrayed and published for the first time.
Sally Mills was born in 1967 and raised in rural North Wales, where she was inspired by her bucolic surroundings, leading to a fascination with the natural world. A healthy obsession with birds dominated her life and has continued to do so to this day.
Fulfilling her childhood passion throughout her working life, she spent 25 years in nature conservation working principally for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. This occupation also fuelled her drive for sustainability, and she was seconded to the government to pioneer new bioenergy initiatives powered by nature reserve vegetation.
Towards the end of her conservation career, Sally’s commitment to wildlife was rewarded when, together with her partner Melvyn, she was given the chance to manage the prestigious Aride Island Nature Reserve in Seychelles. This unique experience was to become a significant landmark in the latter years of her life-encompassing career.