This user-friendly, best-selling lab manual examines the basic processes of geology and their applications to everyday life. Featuring contributions from over 170 highly regarded geologists and geoscience educators, along with an exceptional illustration program by Dennis Tasa, Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, Tenth Edition offers an inquiry and activities-based approach that builds skills and gives students a more complete learning experience in the lab. The text is available with MasteringGeology™; the Mastering platform is the most effective and widely used online tutorial, homework, and assessment system for the sciences.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering search for ISBN-10: 0321944526/ISBN-13: 9780321944528. That package includes ISBN-10: 0321944518/ISBN-13: 9780321944511 and ISBN-10: 0321952200/ ISBN-13: 9780321952202
Laboratory 1: Thinking Like a Geologist
Laboratory 2: Plate Tectonics and the Origin or Magma
Laboratory 3: Mineral Properties, Uses, and Identification
Laboratory 4: Exploring Rocks and a Rock Cycle Model
Laboratory 5: Igneous Rocks and Volcanic Hazards
Laboratory 6: Sedimentary Rocks, Processes, and Environments
Laboratory 7: Metamorphic Rocks, Processes, and Resources
Laboratory 8: Dating of Rocks, Fossils, and Geologic Events
Laboratory 9: Topographic Maps and Aerial Photographs
Laboratory 10: Geologic Structures, Maps, and Block Diagrams
Laboratory 11: Stream Processes, Landscapes, Mass Wastage, and Flood Hazards
Laboratory 12: Groundwater Processes, Resources, and Risks
Laboratory 13: Glacial Processes, Landforms, and Indicators of Climate Change
Laboratory 14: Dryland Landforms, Hazards, and Risks
Laboratory 15: Coastal Processes, Landforms, Hazards, and Risks
Laboratory 16: Earthquake Hazards and Human Risks