Landscape and Urban Design for Bats and Biodiversity presents simple but effective measures designers, consultants, developers and planners can use to enhance biodiversity on sites of all sizes with a focus on bats. Written, edited and reviewed by experts and practitioners the content covers landscape design features such as urban woodlands, trees, urban wetlands, green roofs, walls, linear features, eco-passages and lighting from a bat ecology perspective. Landscape and Urban Design for Bats and Biodiversity also includes a useful plant species list categorised by features such as rain gardens, green roofs, living walls and bed and borders based on plants that provide benefit to bats.
“The guidance is great and packed full of useful information. We really like the format and the amount of detail and how it’s presented – and this will definitely be a well-used reference!”
- The Ecology Consultancy
“In all this is a most impressive document. This type of document is vitally needed to convince developers that biodiversity must be valued and promoted at all levels.”
- Austin Brown, Arup Ecology