Language: English
The sixth edition of Oman Bird List lists all the 482 bird species that are officially accepted by the Oman Bird Records Committee up to 15 October 2003. This is an official list of the birds of the Sultanate of Oman. This comprehensive directory of birds in Oman gives all essential scientific details of the birds listed. The information includes species number and taxonomy, status (vagrant, rare, uncommon, fairly common, common, abundant), regions where each species is found, histograms for all migratory species, breeding maps for all breeding species. Histograms showing monthly distributions are given in Oman Bird List for all migratory species and for vagrants with at least five accepted records. Oman Bird List, printed in high quality paper contains 170 colour photographs too.
The recommendations of the authors in terms of future work reflect their sincerity and dedication for the work done. The authors believe that despite many advances in their knowledge of the bird life in Oman in the last few decades, much future work still needs to be done. With only a dozen or so of resident birders to cover such a vast area like the Sultanate, it is clear that many birds pass through the country unnoticed. The authors recommend birdwatchers to have more visits to Musandam during migration of birds and in winter season. Regular visits to certain migratory points such as Ras Al Hadd, Ras Mirbat and desert oases such as Muntasar and Marmul are also recommended to identify more species of birds.