Orchids have long held a fascination, both for keen botanists and the general public. From the mania of Victorian collectors to the enthusiasm of modern photographers, this family of flowering plants has a strange and exotic appeal. Many orchids are beautiful, and some are rare.
When first published in 2005, this comprehensive and well illustrated guide represented a benchmark for the identification of British and Irish orchids, with detailed information on their biology, habitats, distribution and conservation. It covers all 56 species of wild orchid found in Britain and Ireland.
Until recently, the whereabouts of the rarer species was shrouded in secrecy, making publication of any details ethically impossible. In the last few years, however, these veils have been lifted and it is now possible to publish locations for all but one or two species.
Orchids of Britain and Ireland includes a detailed site guide, covering the 330 places to see orchids in Britain.
Orchid Biology
Orchid Habitats
Orchid Conservation
Field Guide
Notes on the species accounts
Species Accounts
Lady's-slipper - Cypripedium calceolus
Red Helleborine - Cephalanthera rubra
Sword-leaved Helleborine - Cephalanthera longifolia
White Helleborine - Cephalanthera damasonium
Lesser Twayblade - Neottia cordata
Common Twayblade - Neottia ovata
Bird's-nest Orchid - Neottia nidus-avis
Marsh Helleborine - Epipactis palustris
Dark-red Helleborine - Epipactis atrorubens
Broad-leaved Helleborine - Epipactis helleborine
Violet Helleborine - Epipactis purpurata
Narrow-lipped Helleborine - Epipactis leptochila
Dune Helleborine - Epipactis dunensis
Lindisfarne Helleborine - Epipactis sancta
Green-flowered Helleborine - Epipactis phyllanthes
Ghost Orchid - Epipogium aphyllum
Fen Orchid - Liparis loeselii
Bog Orchid - Hammarbya paludosa
Coralroot Orchid - Corallorhiza trifida
Creeping Lady's-tresses - Goodyera repens
Irish Lady's-tresses - Spiranthes romanzoffiana
Autumn Lady's-tresses - Spiranthes spiralis
Summer Lady's-tresses - Spiranthes aestivalis
Musk Orchid - Herminium monorchis
Man Orchid - Orchis anthropophora
Monkey Orchid - Orchis simia
Military Orchid - Orchis militaris
Lady Orchid - Orchis purpurea
Early Purple Orchid - Orchis mascula
Small White Orchid - Pseudorchis albida
Lesser Butterfly Orchid - Platanthera bifolia
Greater Butterfly Orchid - Platanthera chlorantha
Common Fragrant Orchid - Gymnadenia conopsea
Heath Fragrant Orchid - Gymnadenia borealis
Marsh Fragrant Orchid - Gymnadenia densiflora
Early Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza incarnata
Frog Orchid - Dactylorhiza viridis
Common Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Heath Spotted Orchid - Dactylorhiza maculata
Southern Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza praetermissa
Pugsley's Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza traunsteinerioides
Hebridean Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza ebudensis
Northern Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza purpurella
Irish Marsh Orchid - Dactylorhiza occidentalis
Dense-flowered Orchid - Neotinea maculata
Burnt Orchid - Neotinea ustulata
Lizard Orchid - Himantoglossum hircinum
Loose-flowered Orchid - Anacamptis laxiflora
Pyramidal Orchid - Anacamptis pyramidalis
Green-winged Orchid - Anacamptis morio
Small-flowered Tongue Orchid - Serapias parviflora
Greater Tongue Orchid - Serapias lingua
Fly Orchid - Ophrys insectifera
Bee Orchid - Ophrys apifera
Late Spider Orchid - Ophrys fuciflora
Early Spider Orchid - Ophrys sphegodes
Other species
Orchid family tree
Map of vice-counties
Orchid flowering periods
Site Guide
Introduction to the site accounts
Useful addresses
Botanical organisations
Southeast England
Southwest England and Channel Islands
East Anglia
Central England
Northern England and Isle of Man
Sources of information and bibliography
Index of species
Anne Harrap is a botanist with a Masters in Ecology. Simon Harrap is an ornithologist and naturalist with in-depth knowledge of British nature. He has seen and photographed virtually every British orchid.
"A model field guide: good, large photographs that are actually rather gorgeous; a clear text that tells you how to identify the plant using the English language rather than "botanicalese"; useful diagrams of those spectacular flower parts; and a really comprehensive section on geographical range and subspecies."
– The Daily Telegraph
"This book is a comprehensive guide to Britain's most glamorous plants. I cannot imagine being without it"
– Chris Packham
"The best guide to our orchids on the market, and quite possibly the best on any group of wild flowers and the pictures in particular are superb "
– British Wildlife (June 2009)
"[...] an essential guide for anyone on a quest to find our sexiest flowers [...] an excellent field guide to orchids [...]"
– BBC Wildlife Magazine (July 2009)