A specially designed, long-lasting box for little owls. This box has two staggered entrance holes for effective protection from predators where weasels, martens, etc are a danger to the nest. This box is made from Schwegler woodcrete which is air-permeable and well-insulated to accurately mimic the conditions of natural nest sites. Recommended for use in old orchards and grazing meadows.
On almost all kinds of trees except cherry, because the cherry harvest coincides with the time when the young are still at the nest site.
If possible the little owl box should be mounted on a horizontal branch, to which it is attached using the four galvanised, perforated metal strips and our special aluminium nails included. The boxes can also be attached in the tops of pollarded trees. The access for the birds should always face the trunk.
Ornithologists recommend always hanging a minimum of three boxes immediately adjacent to one another since the birds will use one or more to store food and young birds will use them as shelter. Such measures will considerably improve the survival prospects for this species.
Recommended bedding:
Coarse sawdust or wood shavings and a mixture of sand and sawdust are ideal as bedding.
Cleaning and inspection:
The box has an aperture for inspection and cleaning purposes.
Material: The box is made of natural, durable Schwegler Woodcrete rings, surrounded by wood batons and roofing felt. Two staggered internal entrance holes provide protection against martens. Flexible metal strips and aluminium nails are included for mounting.
Entrance hole: 65 mm diameter
Colour: Natural dark brown and black
Interior of brood chamber: diameter 18 cm
External diameter: approx. 22 cm
Total length: approx. 83 cm
Weight: 7.6 kg