The Cichlid Yearbook: Volume 4 collects articles related to the hobby of keeping cichlids.
Introduction 5
Tanganyika Cichlids
- The distribution patterns of Tropheus species 6
- Ophthalmotilapia nasuta from Resha, Burundi 12
- An intriguing yellow Petrochromis 14
- "Blue Mpimbwe": a new variety of Cyphotilapia frontosa 18
- Bred in an aquarium: Boulengerochromis microlepis 22
Malawi Cichlids
- Ps. demasoni sp. nov.: a sexually monomorphic cichlid from the Tanzanian coast of Lake Malawi 24
- Breeding Exochochromis anagenys (Oliver, 1989) 28
- The "Kawanga Borleyi" 30
- A compressed cichlid with an impressive snout 32
- A treasure from Lake Nyasa 34
- The "Red-Fin Tropheops" 36
- The many faces of Aulonocara stuartgranti 38
Victoria Cichlids
- Part III: The epilithic algae scrapers 42
Other African Cichlids
- Hemichromis stellifer Loiselle, 1979 52
- Pelmatochromis buettikoferi (Steindachner, 1895) 54
- Notes on Madagascar cichlids 56
Central American Cichlids
- The king of the Balsas: Nandopsis istlana 59
- Searching for the pearl of Mexico 65
- An extremely rare colour morph of Herichthys minckleyi 68
South American Cichlids
- Remarks on some species of the Crenicichla reticulata group 70
- Colombia: back to paradise 78
Cichlid Maintenance
- Back to nature 84
Cichlid Literatim
- Another look at the Amazonian cichlids 87
- A tangled web: cichlids and their relatives 91
Obituary: Dr. Ethelwynn Trewavas 95