The Orkney Book of Wildflowers takes us on a unique and colourful journey through ten flower-rich habitats from sea level to the summit of Ward Hill on Hoy. En route we travel along the shore, before crossing saltmarshes and dunes to explore the burns, marshes and lochs. the journey continues along the sea cliffs, meanders inland to fields, woodlands and dales before climbing to look at the peat hill's heaths and bogs and eventually Orkney's high stony tops. Tim Dean and Anne Bignall both live in Orkney and have devoted the last five years to compiling The Orkney Book of Wildflowers. Anne has created 50 plates depicting the ten different habitats and 221 species encountered on this journey – all of them sit within readily identifiable and sometimes iconic Orkney locations. Tim provides expert commentary which includes when and where and how easy or hard the species may be found, local Orkney names, identification pointers and revealing insights into past uses of the county's plants