In a world governed by 'fake news' and where world leaders are dismissing 'facts', this statistically meticulous presentation of trends is vitally important to understand the world today. A groundbreaking atlas and milestone of graphic reporting, this statistically meticulous presentation of trends in maps and charts help to explain the most challenging issues facing the world today.
With the economic, global health and geopolitical reverberations of COVID-19 referenced throughout, other topics for this new 10th edition include: health, education and gender inequalities, human rights abuses, financial corruption, military might, chemical warfare, plastic waste, and climate change.
Dan Smith OBE is the Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and has been writing on peace and security for 40 years. He has held fellowships at the Norwegian Nobel Institute and Hellenic Foundation for Foreign and European Policy and chaired the Advisory Group for the UN Peacebuilding Fund and the Institute for War and Peace Reporting. He was awarded an OBE in 2002