This impressive scientific resource presents up-to-date information on ten thousand years of volcanic activity on Earth. In the decade and a half since the previous edition was published new studies have refined assessments of the ages of many volcanoes, and several thousand new eruptions have been documented.
The latest edition updates the book's key components - a directory of volcanoes active during the Holocene, a chronology of eruptions over the past ten thousand years, a gazetteer of volcano names, synonyms, and subsidiary features, an extensive list of references and an introduction placing this data in context.
Lee Siebert and Paul Kimberly are volcanologists affiliated with the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program; Siebert is the GVP's Director. Tom Simkin (1933-2009), served as GVP founder and director from 1968-1995 in a distinguished career in volcanology that spanned more than four decades.
Volcanoes of the World compiles and lists all of earth's eruptions into one primary scientific source. It is a fundamental research tool and the last word on many issues. There is nothing else like it.-William I. Rose, Michigan Technological University "Volcanoes of the World stands alone. To my knowledge (as a practicing volcanologist for more than 4 decades), there are no competing works in the scientific literature comparable in purpose, scope, and scholarship."-Robert Tilling, Volcano Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey