Language: Japanese with scientific nomenclature
This picture book sets out to investigate extinct creatures. Approximately 340 species are listed, including unusual-looking creatures that cannot be seen in modern times, and creatures that look similar to those that are still familiar to us today. In addition to mammals, the book introduces a wide range of fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects, so you can learn about the diversity of living things.
Summary in Japanese:
シリーズの人気キャラと一緒にタイムスリップして、絶滅した生き物たちの調査に出かけよう! 現代では見ることのできない変わった見た目の生き物や、今も身近にいる生き物にソックリな生き物を約340種掲載。ほ乳類に加え、魚類・鳥類・は虫類・両生類・昆虫など幅広く紹介しているので、生き物の多様性を知ることができます。